03 May A New Year of Renewal
With this New Year comes a breath of fresh air and renewal! St Thomas, Emerald Beach Resort and Heart & Soul Unions are OPEN FOR BUSINESS! We hosted our first wedding of 2018 and are looking forward to many more. Sam and Kailyn Cole were determined to have their long awaited wedding in paradise. Everyone was thrilled that they decided to move ahead with their wedding! It was an extremely special day and after months of planning and waiting it was the wedding of their dreams!
The Island, although battered and bruised, has come back to its natural beauty extremely quickly. The sky and water are blue, the sand is soft, and the weather is warm and welcoming! Emerald Beach Resort is open for tourists and is one of the few hotels open at this time! The cruise ships are back visiting and it couldn’t be a better time to visit the islands. You can literally have the entire beach to yourself while enjoying our beautiful tropical weather! Restaurants and shops are open and there is a new excitement and welcoming attitude on the Island. The heart and souls of all the islanders is astounding and their perseverance always amazes me.
VI Strong is alive and kicking!
We look forward to many more weddings and are here if you need us!!!
Best Wedding Wishes,